Syl-Lee Antiques is derived from the names of the owner’s parents, (Sylvia and Lee). It is run by a family owned and operated Manhattan antique company. The main gallery is located in Manhattan. They have been buying antiques, fine art, collectibles, gold, silver, and costume jewelry for over 40 years and also have created a great reputation in buying and selling antiques. Though there are many shops that sell Syl-Lee antiques, not all shops cater to the best interests of their clients. Most of the people who want to sell their antique pieces find it difficult to visit the stores again and again and still have the items underpriced. Some people may also have some emotional attachment with the antique pieces that they are selling.
The new Syl-Lee Antiques - NYC Antique Dealer is now on Facebook to make the lives of each of the antique sellers easier by going the extra mile to serve them. You now need not have to bring your items to the stores to sell them. The staff would be more than happy to visit your house and also offer free evaluations of your antiques and fine arts. The home visits are completely free of cost. All your antiques are purchased outright for cash. They also connect you with the auctions in your area. They buy the entire content of the estate and there are also specialists who can help in identifying those antiques which are very rare. The items that can be sold are costume jewelry, 50 S Furniture, diamonds, sterling and other silver, bronzes, oil paintings, antique water colors, modern art and contemporary art, comic books, toys, Russian art, Lladros, antique porcelain, cut glass, art glass, Lalique, watches and clocks, coins, Asian antiques and pottery, Southeast Asian and Indian art, American Indian art and furs.
There is a very good collection of Syl-Lee antiques in the Facebook. The collection includes a beautiful Rene Lalique, antique costume jewelry, Chinese and Japanese antiques, South East Asian antiques, glassware, antique umbilical cord scissors, antique silver singing bird music box, Chinese silver, antique snuff bottle, antique micro mosaic piece that portrays cats and many more. Jade, coral, porcelain and bronze are in high demand at any given point of time. The Buccellati Silver Monkey is another rare antique piece that is available for sale. In order to connect with Syl-Lee Antiques, one just has to sign up for Facebook.